Future is much brighter than the past Positive thinking is powerful thinking


(Grade 5 to 12)

Math (Elementary)
Grade 1 to 5

Math (Middle School)
Grade 6 to 8

Math (High School)
Grade 9 to 12

Students Tutored
Tutoring Hours
Avg Improvement


Frequently asked questions

Does MPSL Academy offer online classes?

MPSL Academy is currently offering online classes for both Math and English. Please see our schedules under courses for more information.

How can a student enroll in MPSL Program?

Please see ‘Enroll’ page and submit the form

What is the fee per month?

Our fees for Math are as follows:
$75 per month for Elementary (Grade 1 to 5), $85 per month for Middle (Grade 6 to 8) and $95 per month for High (Grade 9 to 12) students. Each month 4 Math sessions are offered (one session per week, 1 hour 15 minutes each session).

What is the discount for siblings?

A discount of $15 per month  for each sibling.

What is the referral bonus?

We give one time $25 discount for each referred student. We greatly appreciate it if you spread the word by letting your friends know about the MPSL Math & English program.